Daily Taurus Horoscope June 29 (29/06)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

June 29


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 8/10

You might be aware of how those around you or possibly one person in particular are focused so intently on the present while you have your eye firmly on a prize on offer in the future. Try not to let your future vision override duties and responsibilities you have here and now. They are integral stepping stones that will take you to where you want to be - and possibly sooner than you think!


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

Receiving possibly more than one confirmation you were right about a certain situation, especially in a group setting, or have your finger on the pulse in ways others dont could spur you on to believe youre on a winning streak and should be listened to or consulted with in other ways. The secret to success now is knowing when youve made your point and when to back off to let others absorb it. As much as you might believe your way is the right way in every way, you could be at risk of pushing a point or two too forcefully.


summary taurus weekly

Star 9/10

The coming week could bring a helpful and timely need to assess what motivates and inspires you about a certain situation, involvement or arrangement and what makes you cautious or even fearful of it. Its as if youre afraid to seize a wonderful opportunity through being fearful of what or who youll gain from doing so. In a way that might feel safe, youre allowing the chase to be more appealing than the catch. Your heart knows precisely what your next move must be. This week, listen to its message.


summary taurus monthly

Star 8/10

If youve felt ignored or your input hasnt mattered to certain individuals recently, then coming weeks can change that. If there have been any negotiations youve delayed, then the period from the 4th until the 20th is perfect for stating your case. However, the biggest news surrounds Venuss arrival in your sign from the 6th until the 4th of June. Your powers of attraction will be boosted so use them wisely, especially if a new relationship is a possibility. Any changes to your wardrobe or appearance will be heavenly!


health taurus daily

Star 7/10

Things may not go as planned today. Just when you are starting to get things going your way, something can happen to upset the whole picture. What you do in a situation like this says a lot about you. In order to have the patience and endurance you will need, be sure to get aerobic exercise. The oxygen in your bloodstream is converted directly into patience! And, a bit of spicy food is good to get the toxins out of your blood, too!


health taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

You may feel like someone suddenly poured a bucket of cold water on you - scared, shrunken, and more than a little disgruntled. Well, what would you do if someone you loved felt this way? Try to give yourself the same care, and turn those feelings into positive energy by inviting yourself back into life! Take yourself on a mission to cheer yourself up from the inside out. This may involve a brisk walk in the sunshine, an enlivening dance class, or a trip to the hairdresser!


health taurus weekly

Star 10/10

This is a good time to slow down and take a more relaxed view on life. Take a break from your fitness routine and spend some time reflecting on the progress you have or haven\t made. Take a look at your successes and any area where you didn\t quite reach your goal. Resolve to take it to a new level in the weeks and months ahead.


health taurus monthly

Star 7/10

The good news this month is that Jupiter in your sector of wellness turns direct after being retrograde for some time. As a result, you could have a little more energy and a little more enthusiasm for your daily routines. If you have been working hard to get in shape, this may now begin to pay off. You\ll need to continue your efforts, which could mean fighting a desire to miss a session or be too lax regarding your diet. You might find that relaxation exercises along with mindfulness can also help you feel more peaceful and settled.


love taurus daily

Star 7/10

Sometimes things happen in very surprising ways with planetary energies like today\s. Later, when you look back at this incident and at how it began, it could seem like some very strange, yet happy accident of fate, and yet you also get the impression that it was no coincidence. The person you meet seems like the answer to a prayer, one you have held in your heart for a long time.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

The current celestial environment encourages you to let out your nonconformist self - deeply hidden though it may be - and allow the world see that you are capable of being carefree and spontaneous. This will do a certain relationship in which you are involved a world of good, and may even rejuvenate it. Everything needs room to breathe and grow, so make sure you give this gift to yourself.


love taurus weekly

Star 8/10

Everything doesn\t come tied up neatly in a bow at the start of the week, so you\ll have to think creatively when it comes to romance. Use your considerable personal or business connections to make an incredible once-in-a-lifetime date happen. You have a lot to offer a potential lover at the end of the week and you know it. Just make sure you know the difference between confident and arrogant.


love taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Venus and Uranus make nice in the form of a conjunction on June 3, and you get the exciting residual effect of romantic sparks. You never know when you\re going to feel incredible chemistry with someone new, so be ready. Mercury feels very at home when it enters Gemini on June 6, so your flirting game is exactly where it needs to be. A wink or similarly coy gesture helps seal the deal. A Pluto/Mercury opposition on June 26 could interfere with the flow of a date, especially if you both insist on being right. Don\t cling to bad feelings after the conversation ends.


career taurus daily

Star 10/10

Other people are difficult for you to deal with today. Co-workers have a rather moody aspect to them that is making it hard for you to have an effective dialogue with anyone. You are better off tabling any important issues to another day.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

Keeping your mind on the task at hand may be virtually impossible today. Even if you are able to mentally focus, you won\t be able to engage any drive or passion into your work. Call it quits early today. There is no sense in fighting yourself.


career taurus weekly

Star 7/10

Texts and e-mails make take up much of your time now. The best sorts of jobs will offer you a chance to get out and make many stops visiting customers. Your natural curiosity is strong. Don\t hesitate to ask questions in any area of interest or concern. It\s a positive time to be of service to the community, although you may feel somewhat lazy. This might be a good time to take a mental health break.


career taurus monthly

Star 7/10

You\ll produce impressive results on a shoestring budget at the start of June. Don\t let your boss further reduce your funds after seeing the fruits of your labor. Instead, demand more money. It\s only fair you be rewarded for spinning straw into gold. Financial talks are especially favored in the days surrounding June 9. You\ll get positive feedback on June 23. People appreciate the time and care they receive when working with you. Don\t let the powers that be pressure you into adopting an all-business attitude. The secret to your success is your knowledge of people\s likes and dislikes.



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