Daily Leo Horoscope March 29 (29/03)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

March 29


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 7/10

You might see only distractions or delays where a goal close to your heart is concerned and as much as it might appear others are doing little more than sticking a spanner in what has so far ticked along predictably, try to focus on the opportunity presenting itself. You have a chance to put in place a new strategy that, very soon, youll see holds more potential than a present one.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

If youve been on the receiving end of others indecision or change of mind, then dont let this take you into a negative place. There are undoubted benefits to reassessing your strategy in the light of what has arisen recently. If anything, your ship has released excess baggage. Focus on how youre able to start afresh. Your journey has been made lighter and more straightforward.


summary leo weekly

Star 8/10

The coming week marks a turning point in terms of you feeling more comfortable about all that makes you feel comfortable! A conjunction between the Sun and love/comfort planet Venus heralds a time of enhanced financial status. More money in your bank account would undoubtedly bring new levels of comfort and security. However, something on the romantic front is about to move forward, too. Give this powerful aspect a chance to work its magic, and it will.


summary leo monthly

Star 7/10

Your solar sector of faraway places and future vision is busy this month. Some Leos will be making grand travel plans or establishing connections with individuals or organizations at a distance. This could be a time when your vision of a particular future becomes clearer and a New Moon on the 27th could mark the start of a new venture. A Full Moon on the 12th occurs in your solar sector of money and values. Try to remember that the best things in life arent things. A Jupiter/Pluto square at month end increases workplace tension. Make sure you dont add to it.


health leo daily

Star 9/10

With today\s planetary alignment, you will be especially sensitive to the needs of others - with a special emphasis on family and children. You may want to consider enhancing your home environment in some nurturing way. Is it time to upgrade your kitchen? Healthy herbs grown in your own home are a lovely way to heighten the pleasure of eating as well cooking. A simple planter box by your kitchen window is attractive and practical. Rosemary, parsley, and basil are some suggestions.


health leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

With today\s astral energies at play, you may feel extra sensitive. If you don\t know what you think or feel, perhaps you could take some time to yourself and do something relaxing. Take your mind off the job, the kids, the spouse, the boss - and spend some time getting distracted in a healthy way. Definitely exercise, definitely drink a lot of water. The balancing act of separating what you want from what others want will be easier if you give yourself some extra room.


health leo weekly

Star 7/10

You may be feeling more restless than usual. You\ll probably be tempted to do more than you should day after day. It\s better to develop greater body awareness than to forget your health completely. The best way is to use it. Exercise, eat well, and look after yourself. Your body needs you!


health leo monthly

Star 8/10

The idea of a detox could seem very appealing, particularly during the first three weeks of this month and after a heavier winter diet. Perhaps a day or two on light soups, juices and vegetables will leave you feeling refreshed and energized. There is also wisdom in not being too hard on yourself regarding your current routines. With Pluto in your health sector, you may find that you blow hot and cold when it comes to maintaining good habits. Just do the best you can for now. If you have had very high expectations of yourself, there\s no shame in lowering them a little. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


love leo daily

Star 10/10

The planetary alignment may bring about a situation that you find confusing. It seems that someone you have been close to in the past could have been whispering in the ear of someone you are close to at present. You realize that what they are telling your latest love is really a pack of lies - but how do you make your love interest believe you?


love leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

There is a way around everything if you look hard and are determined enough. The planets\ alignment indicates that you are searching for a resolution to a set of obstacles that seem to be getting in the way of a promising relationship, stopping it from progressing as smoothly as you would like. The clue is not to see them as problems but as a unique opportunity.


love leo weekly

Star 7/10

Find someone at the beginning of the week who likes to do the same kinds of things you do. You\re attracted to all sorts of different people, but you\re best suited to the ones who share similar interests. You aren\t wrong to have high expectations over the weekend, but sometimes things don\t work out in real life the way they do in your head. However, the story doesn\t end just because the date is over.


love leo monthly

Star 9/10

Mars enters Taurus on March 9, making romantic progress difficult. You may feel ready to ask someone out one minute but doubt yourself the next. Wait until you\re on steadier ground before you take your next big step. The Pisces Sun squares Saturn on March 17, testing your dedication and resolve. Once you make up your mind, don\t waver. A trine between Mercury and Saturn on March 26 makes it easy for you to seek advice and gain valuable insight, so don\t be afraid to ask the tough questions. Experts in the field of love can help you immensely. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


career leo daily

Star 9/10

You are fired up. Other people had best move aside because you are on the move and you are getting things done. You may feel a bit frazzled since you have so much energy to burn, but overall you are feeling good and moving with great confidence.


career leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

A missing piece of the puzzle reveals itself and you suddenly discover that you have been barking up the wrong tree. You easily bounce back and re-focus your attention where it needs to be in order to come out of this sticky situation on top.


career leo weekly

Star 9/10

You might feel rather stressed now. Rumors could be flying and you may become distracted by problems with co-workers. All the same, this is a strong time to find or upgrade your job. Women could be more difficult. It\s important to be very sympathetic and try to see any problem from the other person\s point of view. Anything that allows you to be more active and on your feet is recommended.


career leo monthly

Star 10/10

A handsome paycheck will allow you to move into a more lucrative field toward mid-March. Use the extra money youve earned to secure a position in a rapidly growing field. Youre tired of hopping from job to job because of continual downsizing. Gaining valuable skills in an industry that desperately needs workers will put you on the path to prosperity. Youll have a chance to do business with a foreign-based company around March 26. Do yourself a favor and learn as much as possible about this culture. When you demonstrate an interest in someone elses way of life, you gain their trust and patronage. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now



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